Pixel Girl Trial

12 03 2010

So last night I started on my pixelgirlpresents.com assignment. I hadn’t used photoshop very much but got a crash course from my boyfriend and decided to tackle the project over the next few days. I just finished it last night and I have to say that I’m pretty proud of it, especially for my first try. I think it is interesting yet simple and well put together, and of course I love it because it has a cupcake… me and my food obsession, ha. I’ll post a picture below.

The other project that I am working on is for my art class, the category I chose is nostalgia. One of my most fond memories as a kid was the memory of my mom reading Dr. Seuss’ Fox in Socks, it’s a tongue twister that would send me into laughing fits as I listened to my mom stumble through the tongue tangling wordage. I want to capture the forms that are repeated both in the wordage and in the pictures, express the overlapping, almost “glued” together, words, and use the simple color palate and use of line to create a simple yet sophisticated piece that exemplifies Dr. Seuss’ imagry without copying it. Looking at some Elizabeth Murray artwork for inspiration.

Photos (PixelGirl creation, scene from Fox in Socks, two Elizabeth Murray pieces)

An Aging Progression Collage

23 02 2010

Finally came up with an idea for my collage project. I am going to primarily be using women’s faces (and perhaps some body pieces too) in a collage, blending different parts together to create a new whole. The final piece will be multiple separate sections of “collage(d)” women which will be “woven” together with strands of hair and perhaps other items in a woman’s life (think jewelry, ribbons, cloth, etc). I also want not only to capture multiple moments in time through different angles and perspectives but also by showing the aging progression through-out  life. Just began the process of tearing, gluing, and assembling today but I am excited to see where the process takes me.

On another note I FINALLY started taking some pictures for flickr have a few signs photographed for the collection but still need to wait for the appropriate weather to continue shooting. On the note of photos, I am leaving for Mexico in about a week so I am excited to hopefully find some awesome photo opportunities there too. Can’t wait to see what a new culture and scenery they have to offer my lens!!

Brainstorming Collage

17 02 2010

New art project that I need to brain storm for… collage project. I think I may be one of the only people i know that hasn’t made a collage before, but think more Picasso and Braque not the picture collages everyone has done in junior high. Definitely still need to brain storm some ideas of how to create an idea that illustrates multiple angles and thoughts that evoke my subject matter.

Photo Ideas

6 02 2010

So I have been about the assignments for my creativity and the internet class a lot lately. I’ve been trying to really take in the scenery around town and see what inspires me. My dad has always been into fifties and sixties memorabilia and I have really grown to like it also. That said, I think that I may do a series of photos for our flickr assignment including some of my favorite vintage signs in Springfield and the surrounding towns. I have a few ideas and particular signs that I have picked out around town but I need to develop my ideas a bit more. But here is the general idea that I am going for (internet photos examples)

First Hello

3 02 2010

So… the new world of blogging here I come. Still trying to figure it out because, unlike most of my generation, it takes me a few years longer to actually start using these fun things like blogs, facebook, myspace, etc. But here I am by request of my creativity and the internet class ready to get started and hopefully figure out what I will use this blog for. Time to get creative and share with the world I suppose.

I just got my associates degree and am getting a fresh start at a new college. My dream job would be anything that allows me to be creative, travel, and explore the hospitality industry (food, hotels, travel, and creativity) that would be the perfect combination if I am able to find it. Trying to experience what I can while I’m young  and am definitely excited to explore what this world has to offer me.

Not so sure that I am an “artist” but I am beginning to explore some creative mediums again. I really enjoy photography, drawing (charcoal in particular), and baking which I think can be a creative process, but one you get to eat it when you’re done (the best of both worlds in my opinion because once again I LOVE food!) Definitely on the path to discovering my creativity and maybe one day I will be able to call myself an artist, but right now I’m just trying to figure out what inspires me the most.

Hello world!

2 02 2010

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!